WSB Blog

diono Donates $30,000 worth of Booster Seats to local non-profits

diono Donates $30,000 worth of Booster Seats to local non-profits

diono Donates $30,000 worth of Booster Seats to local non-profits [embed][/embed] Seattle, WA. (July 24, 2018) – diono®, the Pacific Northwest’s award winning designer and manufacturer of car seats and strollers for babies, today announced they will be donating $30,000 worth of booster seats to two local non-profit organizations, WestSide Baby and Treehouse, which they will provide to underprivileged families and foster children. The booster seat donation pick-up was held on July 24th at 2:00 PM at Diono’s headquarters in Sumner, WA. “It is important to us that we give back to our community that has provided so much support to us over the past 20 years,” said Scott McAllister, Brand Manager of Diono. “Diono is a local Northwest business that is passionate about children’s safety no matter where they are…
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WestSide Baby & Best Starts for Kids!

So excited to announce this amazing new partnership! A grant from BSK will allow us to further measure and evaluate the effectiveness of providing basic needs to support healthy child development, use outcome measurements and demographic data to significantly expand our services with an equity-based approach, and advocate for basic needs as part of proven long-term solutions for healthy childhood development. Click this link below to read more!
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WestSide Baby Partners with Sea-Town Real Estate

We're delighted to announce an exciting partnership with local West Seattle realtors, Sea-Town Real Estate! For all those that are currently in the housing market, Sea-Town Real Estate has agreed to donate 25% of their commissions to WestSide Baby, as long as the buyer or seller simply mentions our name. We are incredibly thankful to the Sea-Town Real Estate team for choosing our organization so that we can continue to serve the children of western King County together. To learn more about Sea-Town and how you can be involved, visit and be sure to spread the good news with your neighbors! [embed width="600" height="400"][/embed]  
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WestSide Baby Thanks Dorel Juvenile!

At the end of 2017, WestSide Baby received 156 donated car seats from Dorel Juvenile and we’d like to take a moment to highlight this incredible partnership!   Dorel developed a special retail program in order to sustainably donate returned and unused car seats to organizations like WestSide Baby.   As Dan DeSimone, Dorel Juvenile Director of Regulatory Affairs and Compliance explained, ‘Some of the retailers returned car seats are sent back to Dorel Juvenile. These car seats may have been opened by the consumer but not used. For example, a consumer might try to install a product in the car and discover it does not fit. The product may have been taken out of the original plastic bag packaging, but otherwise be unused. For these specific seats, we have…
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2 Travel Dads Visits WestSide Baby for Huggies: No Baby Unhugged

2 Travel Dads Visits WestSide Baby for Huggies: No Baby Unhugged

There are so many ways to help when it comes to organizations such as the National Diaper Bank Network. Of course, there are always the amazingly helpful ways of making financial contributions if you are able, but there are also ways that you can donate your time. WestSide Baby and other diaper banks always need volunteers to sort through donations and to fill orders that will go out into the community. If you’ve got a knack for folding baby clothes, great! If you live to organize books alphabetically or diapers by size, then there is a job for you! If you’re one of those people who is incredible at getting others to take action from the ground up, starting a diaper drive in your workplace or working with community businesses…
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King County Council Recognizes Diaper Need Awareness Week

King County Council Recognizes Diaper Need Awareness Week with WestSide Baby and Eastside Baby Corner. Best way to keep a baby happy? Keep them fed and KEEP THEM DRY!! Far too many parents have to make the difficult choice of changing a diaper or letting their child stay in a soiled diaper to help extend their limited supply. The Metropolitan King County Council today recognized the week of Sept. 25-Oct. 1 as Diaper Need Awareness Week, the effort to ensure that all infants and toddlers can be clean, healthy, and dry by having the diapers they need. “Lack of access to a supply of clean diapers can be a huge barrier to ensuring the health of vulnerable children throughout King County,” said Council Chair Joe McDermott. “Each year I am proud…
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WestSide Baby and Donna Pierce Honored by Washington State Senate

WestSide Baby and Donna Pierce Honored by Washington State Senate

WestSide Baby was honored by the Washington State Senate on April 5th for helping mothers provide for the physical needs of their children, granting them some peace of mind and providing a better quality of life to the children they serve. The resolution, which was proposed by Senator Sharon Nelson celebrates our work since our formation in 2001 for providing over $19 million worth of free diapers, clothing and safety equipment to more than 233,000 infants and children in Western King County whose families face challenges meeting those basic needs. The resolution, which expressly praises our founder, Donna Pierce, speaks of how she: “overwhelmed by her role as a new mom, began to recognize and understand the hardships and struggles of motherhood;…Donna could not begin to imagine the level of stress felt…
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