Farewells & New Beginnings


WestSide Baby is deeply grateful for the ways in which you showed up for children in our community in 2022! Together we responded to growing basic needs insecurity and inequity felt most acutely by under-resourced families in our community. WestSide Baby is proud to share that over 2.6 MILLION DIAPERS were distributed to over 40,000 children last year with your help and support!

In the coming months, we are excited to introduce new ways to engage with our mission, so please look out for more communication from us soon!

Hello + Goodbyes

A Note from the Executive Director

As I approach my last day as Executive Director on January 31, I wanted to thank you for being part of the WestSide Baby community. It has been an honor to work alongside you for the past seven years.

Together we have reached toward a vision of a more just world where children have their basic needs met as a fundamental basic right. We have gotten closer than ever to this reality, and I know our team is ready to continue building on this incredible momentum with you as we welcome a new Executive Director this spring! We will invite you to join us in welcoming them when the time comes – in the interim, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team: 

Email: info@westsidebaby.org
Phone: (206) 767-1662 
Staff contacts

While I say farewell, it will not be goodbye – I look forward to staying in touch as a champion of WestSide Baby with all of you. 


Sarah Cody Roth signature

Sarah Cody Roth