Join us for Beyond the Basics: WestSide Baby’s Annual Fundraiser this Sept. 25th – tickets on sale now!

One Year Later: Frequently Asked Questions about WestSide Baby’s Operations and COVID-19 Response


June 1, 2021


King County & WestSide Baby in Phase III

WestSide Baby exists to provide basic essentials for children in need. Our operations during the COVID-19 pandemic have, and will continue to, center our community – families furthest from access to essential items. We continue to work through our network of 100+ partner organizations to find out what families need and focus our efforts to source and supply those items.  

During this pandemic, we will also center the health & safety of our staff, volunteers, and donors by keeping volunteer and item collection within the guidance provided by Public Health Seattle & King County and the Washington State Department of Health. 

As of June 2021, WestSide Baby is in Phase 3 of our COVID Modified Operations:

Updated June 2021

What should I know about coming to WestSide Baby?

The WestSide Baby staff has been majority remote since March 2020 and continues to be as much as possible.

Because of this, our front desk and front door are not open every day, and we encourage you to call or email us if you have an inquiry.

We continue to host volunteers and our provider partners at pre-scheduled times.

Learn more about volunteering
If you are a provider partner, email us to learn more

Mask Up!

Please wear a mask whenever you visit our buildings. Our masking policy is not changing at this time based on three major factors:

  • Internal staff feedback,
  • The protection of unvaccinated children, and
  • The protection of unvaccinated adults and high-risk adults.

We are excited to have more community members on site as case rates decrease in our community, and appreciate you wearing your mask each time you visit!

How is WestSide Baby meeting the most urgent needs? 

Since COVID-19 began, WestSide Baby adapted quickly to find innovative ways to meet an unprecedented level of need. We have expanded partnerships that allow us to procure critical items in bulk, often in new conditions that minimize the time and labor needed to process and distribute these items quickly! We have significantly increased our diaper distribution, while also adding 47 new community sites around King County to distribute items to families quickly and efficiently.

What is WestSide Baby currently distributing? 

WestSide Baby is currently distributing all sizes of diapers and pull-ups, wipes, formula, hygiene items, clothing bags, car seats, strollers, high chairs, and other equipment as requested by families and the providers who have an opportunity to serve their clients at this time. 

How can I donate items right now?

At this time, due to our limited staffing under Washington’s Phase 3 order, we have limited item collection opportunities. are only accepting donations of unopened diaper boxes, hygiene products such as wipes, soap, shampoo, and diaper cream.

Most needed item donation opportunities:

South Lake Union Branch Drop-off
Mondays, 10 am – 2 pm

White Center Hub Drop-off
Wednesdays, 10 am – 2 pm

On Mondays at our South Lake Union Branch and on Wednesdays at our White Center Hub we are accepting:

  • Unopened packages and boxes of diapers
  • Wipes
  • Baby/kid soap and shampoo
  • Diaper cream

White Center Hub Clothing Donations

We are accepting new and gently-used clothing items for babies and children up to age 12 on the first Friday of each month. *Pre-registration is required*

Plus, stay tuned to our social media for more donation events and opportunities!

Other ways to give right now:

How can I volunteer?

As of June 2021, King County is in Phase III of the state’s Healthy Washington Plan, where indoor gatherings and services remain limited. We are excited to be hosting volunteers again in our warehouse space in White Center in limited numbers. Please reach out to our volunteer team to learn how to join us and what health and safety protocols are in place.


As we move into Phase IV of WestSide Baby’s Re-Emergence Plan and beyond, we will be able to have more volunteers working together in our space, again. 

What can I do with gently-used items if I am not able to donate them at an upcoming donation opportunity?

WestSide Baby has wonderful relationships with many other organizations and businesses that collect gently-used items. Prior to the pandemic, we partnered with these organizations to share inventory and ensure items we had in excess were redirected where our partners had a deficit. Many of these organizations and businesses have also had to stop or change how they accept items due to the COVID-19 virus and the safety of their staff and volunteers, but some are able to take items at this time. 

We heartily encourage you to donate your items to El Centro de La Raza, Mary’s Place, Wellspring Baby Boutique, Goodwill or other consignment stores that cater to children and families. Please review the donation policies of each organization before donating.

What is WestSide Baby considering moving forward?  

Before the pandemic, we already knew almost 1 in 4 families in King County were experiencing diaper need. With heightened unemployment rates, virtual school, and various other resources such as safe childcare or transportation being limited, WestSide Baby is honored to continue to meet the long-haul emergency requests of basic needs. 

WestSide Baby staff member carrying diapers in the warehouse, wearing a grey t-shirt that reads: "1 in 3 families cant afford diapers"

WestSide Baby distributed 2.4 million diapers in 2020, the most we have ever distributed in a single calendar year. However, if we were to meet the need of the 23% of families experiencing diaper need in King County, we estimate we would need to distribute well over 32 million diapers. 

Our work continues, on the ground, and looking upstream at the policies and structures that exclude Black families, Indigenous families, and families of color from having equitable access to the things they need.

Our work continues, thanks to your continued support.